Earn Up To 10,000 Bonus Avios for Using Iberia Plus Partners

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Iberia Plus has returned with their annual promotion offering bonus Avios for using selected Avios-earning partners. You can earn a maximum of 10,000 bonus Avios for using at least 10 different partners between 12 June and 31 August 2017.

You will earn the following:

  • 250 Avios for using 3-4 partners
  • 2,500 Avios for using 5-7 partners
  • 5,000 Avios for using 8-9 partners
  • 10,000 Avios for using 10-12 partners

Unfortunately, not all partners are participating. These are the partners that are:

Maximising the returns from this promotion is going to be difficult for those who don’t live in Spain. Even those of us who are residents will struggle. The relatively simple partners for a non-Spaniard are:

Partners that would require a trip to Spain (either personally or by sending your Iberia Plus card to a very good friend) are:

  • Cinesa – a quick trip to the movies for a weekday matinee is reasonably cheap, even if you don’t fancy sitting through the dubbed movie
  • Repsol – if you rented a car, you will also need to refill it with petrol
  • Cepsa – ditto…
  • El Tenedor – besides Spain you can also book restaurants in a few other European countries (but unfortunately not the UK)
  • Cabify – a Uber equivalent operating in Spain, Portugal and a few South American countries
  • Paradores – if you’ve ever wanted to stay overnight in a castle, then a Parador might be just the thing. Before I discovered elite status and Hyatt, I used to enjoy staying at Paradors during visits to more rural parts of Spain. Amazing food usually…

And, finally, Iberia Cards will require you to live in Spain and already have the credit card. During the last version of this promotion a kind reader tried to send me a handful of Avios, but the transaction was declined.

Registration does not appear to be required and you can access a Spanish language website containing the details by clicking here.

If you have a trip planned to Spain this summer, you might enjoy the challenge of seeing whether you can scrape together 5 or 8 partners and earn yourself some bonus Avios in the process…

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