I've got Gold car rental status with Sixt. I know I can get a status match with other car rental companies, but can you get status matches from hotel chains, or even airlines? I'm assuming not, but can't hurt to ask.
It's unlikely, but not impossible. You could try looking through the reports on Status Matcher, but I don't know of how to easily search for matches from a program - default is for matches to a program Very rarely, you'll find that a hotel chain will offer status to certain airline frequent fliers - that's how I got my first HHonors Gold card, as an example. (There's also things like Starwood and Delta+Emirates collaborations, where status with one gets you almost-status with the other). I haven't heard of anything like that lately with a car hire firm, and sadly I don't think Sixt has strong enough links with one airline or hotel to be a likely candidate were it to happen Probably your best bet is to take our the Hilton HHonors Visa card from Barclays, that gets you HHonors Silver plus a free night after £750 spend. Then try to get that matched and/or challenged with someone else for a higher status.
Thanks. I did look through Status Matcher but, as you say, they only list who will match *to* Sixt. I might try with Air Berlin. As soon as I get my Sixt card, I'll give it a go.
Technically they only make it easy to see you matches to sixt, but if you plough through every page you may find reference to someone matching from, but it'll be a lot of work, unless you can find a suitable google search!
I ploughed through the Air Berlin section. This was the only one for Sixt: http://www.statusmatcher.com/report/52636 Oh well
Ah ha! From that, I can construct the magic google query - search for: site:statusmatcher.com "From Sixt Cards Gold" Sadly, running the query doesn't show any success other than car hire programs (Tweak the sixt level inside the quotes, keeping the quotes, to see what you could/couldn't get for other levels)
Nothing doing when I try Sixt. However, it seems you can match Air Berlin Top Bonus to your Hertz Gold level: http://www.statusmatcher.com/report/53348