Does anyone have any experience of merging Executive Club accounts. My wife has 3 passports, but her Russian one is still in her maiden name and doesn't show a westernised version of her first name (Yulia rather than Julia). This is useful for internal Russian reasons, but means that she has a couple of live BAEC accounts depending on which passport she is using. Obviously splitting her flights between two accounts affects her ability to earn and maintain status and consequently tier bonus avios. Does anyone have a view on whether it is worth trying to merge the accounts? She has probably broken all of the T&Cs already. Whilst writing this message, I realise that this is a bad idea, as she earns most of her points from internal Russian flights in S7 business which are in her Russian name.
Technically it is a ts and cs breach, but BAEC will definitely merge accounts in the same name (my wife did it once with ease), Whether they would do it when there's local name/maiden name complications is a different question. Contact details here: Seems like it may however be in your interest to maintain the status quo. If you do decide to merge, I would have thought that with a bit of explanation, BAEC will do it.
Yes, she's there twice. However, from a status point of view she is earning tier points against two accounts and risks not achieving status in either.