My miles are due to expire at the end of the month which I would like to prevent as I am starting to focus on building more of a balance. Has anyone any tips on preventing this please?
Doesn't having their UK credit card stop it? includes under Your benefits the magic phrase "No mileage expiration on your award miles" (See for a bit more on it, that's where I learnt about it from!)
Gagravarr is absolutely right. If you don't have Frequent Traveller, Senator or HON Circle status in Miles & More, the only (UK) way to circumvent the 36 month expiry is via the credit card he links to. See the summary table below: Failing that, there's always the Fly Smart or Mileage Bargains option as a potentially good value way to use your miles for flights at the last minute.
Yep, I think that was indeed the case (and still is for those who have the card). Unfortunately, MBNA don't issue the card anymore so it's no longer possible.
I believe when I held the card, you also had to use it each month, to stop miles expiring? I don't hold the card anymore, if someone could please confirm...