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British Airways has been making some genuine improvements over the last year or so, but I’m really not sure what they were thinking when they decided on this latest trial. According to a cabin crew union memo seen by PaddleYourOwnKanoo, BA is currently trialling not cleaning aircraft between flights on some domestic and European routes.
The memo reads:
“It has been brought to our attention that British Airways have begun a trial whereby there will be no cleaning completed in the cabin during turnarounds…The company has confirmed that this trial is being carried out in response to improving turnaround performance for customers and will focus particularly on reducing delays during times of disruption.”
If BA were hoping that cabin crew would just pick up the slack and clean the cabin themselves during the turnaround, it looks like that won’t be happening. The union memo continues:
“It is absolutely imperative that crew DO NOT do any cleaning of seat pockets, crossing seatbelts etc,”
The trial is believed to last about a week.
What do you think about BA not cleaning the cabin between flights? 😉
I honestly thought this had been their policy already.
Agree – when I was boarding a recent LHR-HAM flight, someone came forward with a full size ipad that had been left in the seat pocket in front, when cleaning staff aren’t noticing (and swiping) something that large it really makes me question what exactly they do in terms of cleaning
Considering the bad press BA received last year for dirty plane standards, this is a poor decision again. Staff to not clean at turnaround means only one thing, the customer loses out again.😳
Well I wonder how many hours this will save…
They could just hire someone to clean the planes at busy airports and pay them the minimum wage, you can’t charge premium prices and provide a non premium experience and expect people to return…
and just when I thought BA was turning around – improved food, new business class seat etc. ah well. 100 yrs. they have to retain some of the bloody awful don’t they?!
Hopefully the trial will not be viewed as a success…
If this only happens during disruption and reduces further delays,then i am wholeheartedly in favour.
Seem to remember a report recently whereby a passenger had to spend a long haul flight sitting in a seat stinking of faeces and urine from an earlier passenger’s bowel movement….Also since the aircraft was full the crew could only offer him some paper towels to make his journey more comfortable…..Dont remember the outcome but ….is that erchance part of BAs new regime..ugggg
Accountants no the cost of everything
And the value of nothing
How about trying this good customer service and caring about your staff and passengers
You never win a race to the bottom Ryanair got that in the bag
Accountants no the cost of everything
And the value of nothing
How about trying this good customer service and caring about your staff and passengers
You never win a race to the bottom Ryanair got that in the bag
Why they don’t they just go the whole hog and re-brand themselves as easyJet? That clearly is their aspiration…
If passengers didn’t leave the plane looking like a pigsty, this idea might be ok. But they don’t, so the trial will end in disaster.
Will anyone notice the difference? As a BA Gold Executive club member for many years, I can honestly say 80% of the flights I get on are already filthy. I have complained on numerous times, without any sensible response.
This is another demonstation of teh contempt BA shows to their customers. `
Where ever possible I fly Virgin, SIngapore, Delta and United now, all have significantly cleaner cabins.
A disgrace for the flag carrying airline!
Spot on! Or in BA’s case ‘Spots on’! If BA cabin crew can’t assist passengers with lifting bags into the overhead lockers how on earth could they be expected to have the competence to fasten seatbelts or check seat pockets. I fly business and choose Singapore, Air New Zealand, Virgin, Either and South African. BAY’S always as a last resort.
I’m convinced they’ve been doing this a while. I fly domestically quite regularly and I certainly wouldn’t describe the cabins as “clean”
I hope that no cleaning doesn’t include toilets!
Somebody had a ‘good idea’ after the office party? Do I want to pay to sit in a dirty plane? No! Will I chose to fly with a company I think ‘cares’? Yes. It is only one step away from cutting back on the servicing of planes and , who knows, that may be next on their agenda.
Just sums up BA’s shocking attitude to its customers who they wish to treat like cattle. They have certainly lost the plot.
Would I like to get on an uncleaned plane every flight? No
But would I be OK to get on a plane that hadn’t been throroughly cleaned after one short-haul flight if it meant my flight wasn’t delayed? Probably, yes.
And in everybody’s interests, if cabin crew do have a spare 10 minutes, why not pitch in and do a bit of tidying up? It isn’t going to kill them. But the union knows best, obviously.
A joke…its very variable already and there is no alterative then but for the passenger to do it or accept sitting in food and drink remnants…personally I find this really annoying….
It is new? I thought they never clean but let the customer do so. When I fly with them, they always give me a white cloth which I use for cleaning my area. I always return it very black.
Shambles Airways aka BA should take a long hard look at themselves. If they policed their baggage policy properly and didn’t encourage people to book hand luggage only in the hope they could pre board and get hold luggage, that would save time and money. Clueless lot!!!
One of the reasons it to fly BA!
When BA were looking to develop their own Low Cost Carrier (LCC) called Go, we flew on numerous potential competitor flights and always commented on the fact that by 4:00pm their cabin’s were absolutely filthy with litter left behind from earlier operations so much so that we nicknamed RyanAir as the carrier of the “great unwashed” – Today if you’ve ever flow with IAG’s Vueling you will know why BA’s standards are dropping – their CEO is now BA’s – I can well image Lord King, Sir Colin Marshall and Bob Ayling would be absolutely disgusted and rightly so!
Well they’ve already trialled limited legroom, uncomfortable seats and a complete disregard for people’s personal belongings – all for a higher price than before. This seems like a logical next step to me. The World’s Favourite Airline? Those were the days…
Higher prices, no food, drinks,delayed flights now uncleaned old aircraft – low cost high priced carrier – outstanding!!
I have made a point of avoiding flying on British Airways for some years as have some of my friends. The airline is a national disgrace and should be made to remove the word ‘British’ from its name.
Why am I not surprised? I have stayed clear of BA for years and will continue to do so. Give me EK or SQ anytime.