Not big news but apparently Marriott hotels no longer have to deliver complimentary newspapers to Rewards members. Confirmed on Flyertalk. It will be up to the individual hotel if they wish to continue the practice.
Marriott has some work to do. I invariably have to spend ages searching their website to see whether the hotel I might want to stay at is actually going to give me breakfast, etc. or whether it is a "resort" or the wrong brand. Much easier just to stick with SPG, Hyatt and chains with clear policies.
Can't say I'm too upset by that really these days - I can't remember the last time I actually bought a paper. I used to read them all the time, but tech has finally captured even me on that one.
Delivered to room is wasted on me as well. A big pile of them near the breakfast restaurant is important. I quite like reading the local press of wherever for a different perspective.