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Just be aware that the 50% off rates are probably non-qualifying for points / status nights. Generally IHG use >35% off as the threshold for it...
It looks like Hyatt are responding to the worry of SPG members over the Marriot takeover, and are offering some sort of match. This has been...
SPG have launched a new competition relating to the bringing of Design Hotels into the SPG fold. You can enter once a day until the 18th of...
Wonderful news, thanks Tom! Email just sent I guess that just means that the remaining mystery is what David's second unbelievable benefit is.... :)
If you fancy a trip up to Oxford, I'm happy to organise and host a meetup for the new year. How does a couple of historic Oxford colleges, a...
I prefer Doha to Dubai, but it does seem to be a very personal thing! Bit of a debate on that very topic on the HeadForPoints comment threads this...
I've heard that the lounges in LGW (and Manchester) often turn PriorityPass customers away due to being full. On their website they suggest that...
I'm currently reading November's Business Traveller UK magazine, and in the Business Traveller Awards 2015 section, Amsterdam Schipol Airport was...
Aside from travel, one of the other things I'm involved in is Open Source. One community in particular was having a big problem with spam on their...
Personally, I would suggest Lille for a weekend break! Culture and Museums wise, you've got the great Palais des Beaux-Arts, and for more modern...
... but I can if you insist! ;-)
... just to get to the 10 post minimum ....
I'd didn't really want to have to write a load of pointless posts...
The error message does say that you need 10 posts to be able to include URLs. However, it's a bit tricky to write 10 useful posts to get there,...
Having heard about the site at tonight's event in London (thanks for the drinks and the fun conversations!), I had a go at writing a few posts....
For anyone just a few nights short of the next Club Carlson status level, or renewing their current one, good news! There's a promotion available...
This year's IHG flash sale seems to be a bit more underwhelming than last year, and their idea of Europe is rather more limited than before.......
As well as the buffet, there's also a menu you can order from. One until 12, of mostly breakfast stuff, a different one after that. However......
For those who don't know, Eurostar have two main routes they run from London to mainland Europe. One goes to Paris, the other to Brussels. Both go...
Generally, these tickets go on sale 92 days before travel, in the early morning. The cheapest ones can be gone by lunchtime on popular routes, and...