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Was just there yesterday. Not such a big fan any more... I hide away on the lower level, but it still seems quite crowded most of the time. I do...
100% sure. It was a targeted status miles bonus promotion and FWIW I already have my Elite Plus card...
I'm not aware of any UK credit cards in the miles and points space that have no FX fees. Amex is probably more expensive than Visa/MC for...
No, better than that. Qualified for Elite Plus with an immediate re-qualification, thanks to the quadruple miles promo. So, 4 years of E+ will...
BMI? :D Still haven't found a suitable replacement yet... LH M&M is a joke for shorthaul. I suppose I'm now on the TK bandwagon since they've...
Booking via TCB is exactly the same as going directly to an ihg website. (except you earn cashback!) :)
I suspect that 2x BA taxes/surcharges plus a paid J ticket on BA (without travel hacking an ex-EU itinerary or similar) - and let's not forget the...
Hmmm.. I just had something similar on the US version via VPN. Left it running in a Chrome browser and kept working on Firefox. The questions...
Personally, I would expect to be spending the middle weekend of a two week trip to India not far from a toilet! :eek::p
Presumably you miss out on cashback as well as Welcome Rewards, so there's a +/- 20% rebate abandoned as well. Well worthy of a full blog post...
I've done Aer Lingus TATL in a 757, so the A330 was probably a dream in comparison...
I suspect that Ryanair are just fishing for information. If a sales process is being run properly, potential buyers will get to have a good look...
Make sure to request the extra 14 days, and not just assume it.
I stopped Ebay as well because unscrupulous buyers would claim "the product didn't arrive" and Ebay would take my money back. When you're...
I thought I had a clever plan to use my USD balance in PayPal. My brother is based in the US, so I would transfer some dollars to him and he'd...
It took me a good 5 minutes to figure out how to start a new thread. I can only imagine most people just giving up...
I always open them pointing away from me, to direct any explosion in the direction of unfortunate bystanders... But never on a plane!
They certainly get comments, although less than one might expect. Whether it creates a dialogue, engagement or any reason to return to a...
LOL. Yoghurts should be banned on airplanes... guaranteed explosion from the differing air pressure... Clickbait if I ever saw it... just to make sure it...